Guided Practice at Mud Lily

It’s like an “Ask Me Anything” for clay!

Do you have questions about a piece you're working on? Would you like input on a technique you've been struggling with? Have you finished Start Here but still want help and don't feel ready to head right into independent studio time? Think of Guided Practice as an AMA for clay! Whether you're working on the wheel, on a handbuilding project, glazing, or doing something else ceramics related, a Mud Lily instructor is here to guide you toward available resources and share advice to help you improve your skills. Even experienced ceramicists can benefit from a technique tune up or a new POV on the clay.

What Is Guided Practice?

Guided Practice is a chance to work on your own projects with an instructor's assistance or an opportunity to ask an instructor for a pottery process or technique refresher.

Who is it for?

Guided Practice is for folks who have completed Start Here and/or independent members of our maker community who want to uplevel a particular skill. If you are new to pottery, you must first take Start Here and if you are an experienced potter you must first complete our experienced potter orientation.

Where and when is Guided Practice?

Guided Practice is currently held in the Mud Lily classroom on Monday nights. Doors open at 6pm, your instructor is available beginning at 6:30, and the studio closes at 9pm. Guided Practice sessions are purchased individually, not with codes. Click here to book a session.

Do I get to keep what I make in Guided Practice?

Yes! You don’t have to keep what you make in Guided Practice, but if you want to, you can. You’ll just continue working on your piece during any independent studio sessions you book for later dates.